01689 639 591
There are 2 types of assessments we specialise in and they are:-
SAP assessment for excessive glazing in proposed extensions
Domestic on construction SAP assessments for new build dwellings
We are unique assessor's due to the fact that our background is in Planning and Building Regulation design and approval. This gives us an excellent insight into what is required at an early stage.
For example, when a architect provides us with a set of drawings, when we have completed the SAP report, if the assessment does not pass, we will provide advice on how to amend the design so to achieve a pass.
Our regular customers sometimes involve us when planning has been approved and prior to completing the building regulation drawings fully.
Excessive Glazing SAP report
Part L of the Building Regulations was amended in 2023 and one of the amendments was to how the amount of glazing in an extension was to be calculated.
To comply with the building regulations, the following needs to be complied with:-
The amount of proposed glazing in the extension is not to exceed 25% of the proposed floor area, or
The amount of proposed glazing in the extension is not to exceed the area of existing glazing that will no longer be used.
When neither of the above are achieved, you can demonstrate compliance by either carrying out a area weighted U-Value or by completing a SAP report (Standard Assessment Procedure).
Our role to demonstrate compliance, is to to calculate the dwellings performance which includes an extension which meets the requirements (Notional Dwelling) and then calculate the proposed extension as designed. Generally, by improving the proposed insulation and glazing performance, we can demonstrate that the proposed extension performs better than the notional design.
Each project is quoted on an individual basis.
To obtain a quote, please contact us via our contact form or just give us a call to discuss.
New Domestic Build SAP report
All new domestic dwellings require a SAP report. They are required at the design stage and again when the property has been constructed.
The best time to get the initial report done, is when planning has been approved and prior to fully committing to the building regulation drawings. This way, we can complete the SAP report and advise on the final specification for Building Control Approval.
Each project is quoted on an individual basis.
To obtain a quote, please contact us via our contact form or just give us a call to discuss